Tuesday, March 31

Exam Preparation Strategy

The Night Before The Exam

  • Read your study sheets as usual
  • Go to bed early and get a good night's sleep

The Day of The Exam

  • Set your alarm and get up early
  • Eat a good breakfast such as simple sugar (fruit juice), complex carbohydrates (cereal or toast), and protein (milk, eggs, meat & cheese. This will help your sugar level at a stable level, since your brain runs on sugar, you don't want to have an empty tank.
  • Caffeine has shown to increase alertness and performance. If you are a habitual user of caffeine, make sure you get the adequate dose.

During the Exam

  • If you feel tense, take a deep breath and try to relax.
  • Keep your eyes regularly on the clock while taking the exam.
  • Allow enough time to finish the entire test. Avoid focusing on one question and running out time on the others.
  • Read the entire exam before beginning the writing. In other words: Know your enemy first.
  • Be sure you write your matric no.
  • Read the questions second time before beginning the writing.
  • Use the entire exam period rather than rushing through the period.

Essay Writing Tips

  • Read the question carefully and analyze what teacher wants in the answer. If the questions have several parts, use these parts to structure your answer.
  • Use the writing processes: brainstorm, organize, outline, add supporting information, write, revise and edit.
  • Write a version of a classic five-paragraphs essay. (Content, Explanaition and Example)

Allahummar zuqna fahman nabiyyin hahifzom mursalin wailhamal malaikatul muqarrabin. Birohmatikaya arhamar rahimin. Ameen.




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