Just nak share with everyone some tips given by our seniors: Kak AC (KAC) and Kak Fajariah (KF). Mungkin ada sedikit sebanyak perubahan, tetapi banyak yang boleh dijadikan contoh. Ma’a Taufiq wa Najah!
1-Pharmacotherapeutics I (PT I)
This paper is quite tough. Please concentrate on theory class and also hospital attachment. Me myself, I learned more during my attachment. Your will learn on pathophysiology of the diseases, signs and symptoms and also the disease management, pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically (focus more on pharmacological treatmnet). PT 1 cover CVS, Resp., GIT. Under each system, lots of diseases will be covered. But the most important one is CVS. Lecturers include Dr Haniki, Mdm Rohani and invited lecturers. Please get latest Malaysian CPG for all diseases that you learn, yang photostat nyer ada jual kat bangunan teruntum. Dr Haniki banyak guna CPG Malaysia and overseas and also research report yang boleh download kat internet (just for additional information and discussion during hospital attachment). Don’t forget Pharmacotherapeutic Book (DIPIRO), banyak gak refer dalam tu. Invited lecturer banyak depend on notes and some tak bagi notes langsung, so be couscous.
For hospital attachment, lecturers involved are Dr Haniki, Mdm Rohani, Dr Suraya, Mdm Sahimi and Mdm Rozita from HTAA. Time attachment ni la kita banyak belajar because we learn one drug in detail. But during attachment we not only deal with one type of disease, but one patient may have three or four disease concurrently, so correlate to each other. Masa discussion, most important is the DRP, so kena tahu those 8 DRPs, hafal before you go for attachment. Provide the solution for those DRPs with solid evidence, so bring your reference along with you (handbook and cpg, if possible Micromedex). Report buat elok-elok, neat and tidy, must include discussion also. Report is not only to get marks but also to assist you to understand more. Same for the final presentation, prepare betul-betul, discuss dengan groupmates and find all available and important facts, those will assist you. Please be careful, ramai classmate yang kandas paper ni.
2-Quality Assurance (QA)
• QA lebih kepada industrial setting. Jadi, siapa yang dah buat industrial attachment baru-baru ni, lagi mudah la nak faham apa yang diajar sebab sekarang ni kita tahu teori di sebalik apa yang berlaku kat industri masa attachment tu. Dah paham tu, jangan kedekut ilmu pula untuk fahamkan org lain.
• Banyak belajar pasal mesin-mesin..huhu (yang banyak ajar ktorg subjek ni ialah Dr. Helal & Dr. Mohamed..last-last tu baru ade several invited lecturers including Bro. Mohsin, husband Dr. Kausar. Kalau Bro. Mohsen ajar, focus betul-betul dalam kelas. Kalau boleh, catat apa yg patut..nota die tu as a guide sahaja)
• Dr Helal ade suruh buat audit kat hospital & farmasi, then present the findings in poster presentation.
Mostly Dr Helal yang bagi lectures. Some lectures given by Bro Muhsin, husband Dr Kausar. Mostly pasal instruments like HPLC, weighing balance, pH meter. Learn how to equilibrate and use those instruments. Kadang-kadang rasa macam ulang benda sama yang kita dah belajar dalam Pharm. Analysis jer. Belajar juga pasal SOP. Nanti ada assignment kena buat SOP for one of those instruments. Ada juga belajar wastage management. This topic is one of the favourite question for exam. In short, lectures Dr Helal banyak theory..keep repeating baca notes yang Dr Helal bagi,baru boleh faham. Bro Muhsin nyer lectures tak berapa ingat apa.
3-Sterilization & Aseptic Technique (SAT)
• SAT pun lebih kurang macam QA: more towards industry & a little bit related to sterilization in hospital setting. Siapa yang buat attachment kat Ain Medicare, BBrown & other sterile plants Insya Allah akan lebih cepat faham & lebih nmpak apa benda yang diajar. So, yangg x berkesempatan buat attachment kat kedua-dua tempat ni, janganlah segan-segan pula nak bertanya budak2 Ain & BB ni ye..boleh share banyak ilmu yang praktikal.
• Masa kitorang, ada buat visit ke kilang..Xorix, Dungun.
Most lectures from Dr Mohamed. What is aseptic n terminal sterilization (Important: different between both) and types of sterilization. More focus on characteristics of each type of sterilization, how it been conducted, the condition and environment required for each, what killing agent that it use. The most important is what type of sterilization that can be used to sterilize one type of instrument. Eg: dry heat for ointment. What type of sterilization that cannot be used to sterilize one thing. Banyak point-point penting yang tak ada dalam notes, but if you attend his class, be attentive and responsive, Insya Allah you will grab more.
4-Dosage Design II (DD II)
• Ni sambungan DD yang lepas. Kali ni belajar more advanced technology & dosage forms termasuklah newer drug delivery systems (DDS). Akan belajar DDS dengan lebih detail kalau ambil elektif DDS nanti.
• Kalau tak nampak / rase blur je dengan apa yang lecturer ajar, better pergi dapatkan related pictures, cari simplified mechanisms & identify differences between them. Better kalau ada table sendiri yang memuatkan differences tu sebabnya kita belajar benda yang hampir semuanya tak nampak depan mata, takde kat UIA Kuantan. kalau ada pun sikit sangat.
Learns the details about creams, transdermal, ophthalmic, pulmonary preparation. Focus on formulation including function of all ingredients been used. Also on packaging of those preparation. For preparation yang guna device like pulmonary formulation, more focus on technique and how those device works. Lagi, how to enhance the delivery of the active ingredients that may include device-assisted or altered formulation. Untuk capsule, learn on hard-gelatin and soft-gelatin capsule, the difference between both and the pro-cons of those. Novel-drug delivery also one of the topic included. Dulu, most of the lectures given by Dr Tanveer, some by Dr Kausar and some Dr Farah.
5-Pharmacy Practice IV (PP II)
• Macam biasa, akan ada rotational posting, cuba biasakan diri dengan alat-alat sperti inhalers, injection pens etc.
• Concentrate more on roles of pharmacy in hospital and community setting. Main business is your roles as ward pharmacist and also community pharmacist. Learn more about CDR, TPN,TDM and DIS. Some of the lectures are repetition of what you have learnt before, with some additional detail information. You may have about 4 attachment including attachment in community pharmacy that you need to perform few quick test (blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol level, smoking cessation and some others). Other attachment includes in TPN, CDR, TDM and DIS department at HTAA.
6-Problem-Based Learning II (PBL II)
• Dapatkan latest Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) untuk semua diseases (boleh download kat website acadmed, ada kat link blog akak hehe). Sangat-sangat berguna gak untuk PT & PC. Kalau boleh evidence yang kita provide masa bentang case tu biarlah latest & diterima pakai/relevan di Malaysia & sesuai untuk keadaan patient tu.
• Selalunya at the end of the case discussion, akan ada quiz berkaitan dengan disease & related drugs. Study awal-awal la pasal disease & treatmentnya ye..Buat elok-elok tau, tak mustahil untuk score fullmark dalam quiz ni..sangat-sangat membantu ;)
• As usual, discussion and presentation on case been given. Some advices, do not present your part, but make it as a discussion, macam you discuss with your friends, with some interruptions to make it real discussion. Ask your friend when you want to know something, tapi kalau dah tau pun, tanya jer la..You will get extra marks, both, orang yang tanye and orang yang jawab. Don’t separate the case into different components, but blend all those facts and info and DISCUSS it!!!
7-Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics (PE)
• Basically, belajar perkaitan antara pharmacy dengan epidemiology & economy. Honestly, agak bosan jugak la huhu.
• Mostly theoretical part..hehe..very difficult to concentrate in class. Deal with lots of definition, concepts and principles. It will answer some questions like ‘why we need epidemiology in pharmacy’, ‘what epidemiology can do to improve drug distribution n utilization’ and some more. Most lectures given by Dr Sheikh Fareed and some by Bro Qais. Concentrate during Dr Sheikh Fareed class, Insya Allah you will understand more.
1-Clinical Nutrition (CN)
For me personally, it is very interesting subject. First, you will learn about CHO, protein, fat, and other elements in food as you have learnt in biochemistry. Then, learn on energy, how it been generated from food, energy expenditure and how to calculate calorie that will turn into energy from each pinch of food that you eat. The most interesting part is therapeutic diet, in which you will learn to alter normal diet to suit patient with diabetes, liver and kidney disease, hypermetabolic state and critically ill patient. Again, you will also learn more on enteral and parenteral nutrition. Food-drug and drug-food interaction is the ultimate one since you will learn how foods affect drug delivery and how drug could affect digestion and absorption of food. Most lectures given by invited lecturers who are dietitians from HTAA while others deliver by Dr May and Dr Norazian. You will have at least 2 hospital attachment in which you need to clerk case (focusing more on patient’s diet) and that case will be your case assignment and presentation. From my experience, quite difficult to get high marks from assignment/presentation, so pay attention on exam (quite easy for me).
2- Over-the-counter (OTC)
Over-the-counter medications for pain, GI disorders, respiratory disorders (cough, cold), slimming products and OTC for special population (pregnant women, pediatrics and geriatrics). Focus on the formulations that it contains which make the products regarded as OTC, the commonest products in market and counseling points for each group of products.
1-Clinical Pharmacy III (CP III)
• Mostly belajae kira-kira, calculator kena selalu ada kat tangan. Kira initial dos, bila nak bagi dos seterusnya, berapa dos seterusnya, berapa dos yang nak dikurangkan/ditambah, apa nak buat kalau patient dah toxic/unresponsive, berapa lama nak withhold etc.
• Kena tahu sifat-sifat tabi'ie ubat-ubat yang special ni, berapa usual dose, indication & contraindication, interactions etc.
• Selalukanlah buat latihan kira-kira (cari buku kat library or just buat latihan dalam buku Winter), bincang sama-sama & kalau tiba-tiba blurr/confuse, tanya lecturer terus. Dulu, yang ajar kitorg: Mdm Mastura, Dr. Haniki, Dr. Osama.
• Macam PT & PP, akan ada rotational posting gak + reports hehe
• Mostly yang belajar dalam CP III ni akan masuk dlm OSCE nanti..uhhuuu,OSCE ku!
2-Pharmaceutical Care (PC)
• Soalan yang banyak keluar ialah cases, minta kita cari pharmaceutical care issues (PCI), suggestion/recommendation. Untuk jawab soalan-soalan tu, harus ada pengetahuan tentang diseases, drugs & treatment..macam PT jugak la. PC ni case yang diorg bagi dalam exam tak specific, boleh je diorg tanya apa-apa penyakit & apa-apa ubat. Selalunya terperangkap kat sini la especially bila diorg bagi brand name huhu.
• Ktorang kena buat Pharmacy Day under subjek ni (medical checkups untuk penduduk setempat..tempat ktorg buat dulu: Kg. Tanjung Lumpur. Berdasarkan data yg kita collect daripada patient kat situ, ktorang kena trace patient yang sesuai untuk di follow up/home visit/domiciliary service at least 3 kali selepas PharDay tu. Kat sini banyak gak tau!)
3-Pharmacotherapeutics II (PT II)
• Lebih kurang PT I jugak tapi kali ni lecturers expect kita tahu serba serbi la sebab dah masuk final sem kan. So, perform your best in each presentation & reports. Kena bawa bersabar banyak-banyak!
• Rotational posting ada macam biasa + reports..uhhhuuu, report lagi!
4- Ethics & Law in Pharmacy (EL)
• Apa lagi, belajar Law la kita..jadi lawyer jap. tapi jangan bimbang, bukannya kena ingat sebijik2 setiap akta yang ada, yang penting, faham & ingat contents akta-akta tu.
• Beli buku akta di awal sem lagi tau..senang nak refer masa lecture. Kalau lecturer buat tutor, WAJIB hadir sebab masa tu hint akan keluar hehe.
• Dalam exam, tulis ayat kita sendiri, bukan ayat law macam dalam buku tu eh. Bagi points banyak & jangan merapu.
5- Administration & Management in Pharmacy (AM)
• Tadi dah jadi lawyer, sekarang kita jadi manager & accountant lak..banyak-banyakkan bersabar!
6- Research Methodology & Biostatistics (RMB)
• Basically, belajar macam mana nak buat research, jenis-jenis research serta perbezaannya & statistics sikit. Jadi researcher & statistician la kite (in my opinion, sepatutnya subjek ni patut diajar before kita buat research project yang elektif tu. Takde la nanti terkial-kial menyiapkan projek tapi bila dah siap projek baru la tahu macam mana nak jalankan projek dengan lebih efektif).
Itulah serba sedikit yang akak boleh coretkan berdasarkan pengalaman. Kalau ada apa-apa lagi nak tanya, silakanlah..mana yang akak boleh respon, akak akan respon Insya Allah :) Haih, dah final year ni, cuba-cuba lah berubah untuk jadi LEBIH BERGUNA dalam semua aspek (huhu..ayat ni ditujukan untuk diri sendiri sebenarnya, menyesal pun ada..uwaaaa!!). WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST! (Kak AC, Batch 2009)
From Rx5, thank you and jazakallah to Kak AC and Kak Fajariah for this sharing.